Today, while cruising at an altitude of over 40,000 feet, flying from San Francisco to Hong Kong, I find myself thinking about a film I saw with the Dignan's a few days ago. . . 'Gifted,' starring a little girl named McKenna Grace, who, playing a character named Mary Adler, actually did an amazing job.

Mary, who at seven years old, was already recognized as a prodigy, was the daughter of a mathematical genius who, forced to endure an unbalanced, lonely, unhappy childhood, as the result of her mother's determination that she realize her fullest potential, committed suicide shortly after Mary was born.
Now, on to what this plot brought up for me. First, I was reminded of how, almost without exception, we human beings think it is up to us to find a purpose for our lives, as though our Creator had absolutely nothing in Mind at the outset. Well, I'm moved to ask you: How could this be the case when we know that purpose and intention are how the creative ball starts rolling in the first place? We know that ("as-above, so below,") not one of us has brought anything into manifestation without first having a purpose for it.
Next, why do we so often behave as though there is nothing there until we find it and put it there? And, in so doing, feel that there is so much at stake, thinking that it is not only possible, but probable that we will be unsuccessful. With this mindset, we feel that there is a need to be single-focused, that if we attempt to be well-rounded with varied interests, we are irresponsible and unappreciative of the gift we have been given.
And, finally, in our attempt to be powerful and God-like as the result of our endeavors, are we not thinking, believing and in some cases, saying, that we are not an emanation of God unless we do something or have something exceptional? And, since "thinking makes it so," are we not furthering the belief that we are surely separate from God as we attempt to be God-like based on our accomplishments?
What I know to be true is that we are already fully accomplished . . . that we are, "without our stir," whole, perfect and complete emanations of the Divine . . . that we were not meant to search for answers, we were meant, as channels, to allow answers. And, that if we ask questions, knowing that the answers are there, ready to be transmitted and received, they will be. We don't have to spend lifetimes sequestered in a single-focused attempt to discover the answers as though they are not there until we do.
As the result of the foregoing information, too many of the people whom we identify as geniuses, live unsatisfying, troubled lives. Thinking something is missing from creation that it is their responsibility to provide, leaves them standing on the empty end of the pole of being, with no time nor inclination to hear the music, smell the roses, taste the mangoes, watch the sun rise and set, and most important of all, to experience the satisfaction of loving relationships.
In closing, I am moved to request that we relax and be still, knowing that we are the created and that the Creator is alive and fully capable of managing Creation. And, that when it is time for something new to come in, a clear and perfect channel will be identified and utilized to bring it in, in an instant, not after a lifetime of consternation. Our only charge is to appreciate and enjoy creation; and, while maintaining the high vibration available with a simple "yes and thank you," stay open available and ready.
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