I spent the first weekend in March participating in the first of the bi-annual meetings of the Association of Transformational Leaders and I notice that I usually leave those three days with at least one great gem. This time it was the presentation of 'What the Bleep' contributor, Dr. Joe Despenza.

I was fascinated as Dr. Despenza gave a scientific explanation for every Spiritual thing I have ever shared (with anyone willing to listen) since I arrived on this beautiful planet. Of course he spoke about how your thoughts create your reality and about how those thoughts become the nails that keep you safely locked in your own special coffin.
He spoke about the Ascension Attitudes of Love, Praise and Gratitude and how they raise one's vibration and thus, transform his or her circumstances. He spoke about our need to re-identify, dying to the lower nature - survival identity - and identifying as pure, immaculate Spirit. Dr. Joe spoke of how we end up stuck in a feeling loop. He explains:
Your brain monitors your chemical state, and the moment you feel any negative emotion, it's going to think more corresponding thoughts equal to how you feel. It fires and wires similar circuits over and over again, and if you turn on enough of those circuits, you keep producing that same level of mind. This reaffirms your identity with the same image and then the limbic brain produces the same neuropeptides in your forebrain which then signals the same hormones, and then you begin to feel even more of the same emotions which then influences you to think more of the same corresponding thoughts.
It turns out that, as a result of playing and replaying our old, guilt-ridden, separated, special, stories, our cells get negatively programmed and we become addicted to certain chemicals that, as a result of our repeated emotional responses, are released into our blood streams. These programmed cells and chemicals begin controlling our behavior from the subconscious level, leaving us to act like robots, continuously creating and responding to the same situations the same ways.
Can it possibly be that Science is finally proving God?
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