March 24, 2017
Due to a few occurrences during the last few days, I've been moved to revisit the conversation about the 90% of our thinking that is coming from our subconscious mental storehouse. We know that we create our own private realities based on our thoughts, but most of those thoughts are unknown to us until we are face to face with what they are generating. Because of those thoughts, we find ourselves confronted with moments where we are saying yes, but our feedback is saying no, times when a door we are attempting to walk through closes and locks as we approach.

Well, I believe that the time has come for us to cease being surprised by our results. By now, we have enough information to recognize the patterns we are generating concerning the major life issues like money, relationships and health, for instance. We know that there is only one problem and one solution, and they are both, identification . . . who we say we are. If we truly identify with our Creator, our results will be very different than they are if we identify with the circumstances and conditions surrounding this particular incarnation. . . our story.
As we know, our stories are fraught with limitations of various kinds and degrees. However, if we accept that we are downloaded divinity, which happens to be the truth, our subconscious storehouse is cleaned out and we begin to create consciously. Standing with and as God, we are aligned with abundance in all categories, and our results are, therefore, positive and empowering.
In order to facilitate our dying to our stories and being born again as the powerful, spiritual beings we were created to be, we are going to have to stop knowing ourselves, and fighting to be right about our faulty identities. Every time we say: "this is who I am;" or, "this is what I like;" we are speaking about behaviors and preferences we have adopted to feel more safe and satisfied in what we believe is an unsafe world. If we keep in mind that we create with thought, we would move offensively rather than defensively. We would speak, and thus, create what would empower us, rather than thinking, and thus, creating obstacles to prove how right we are about being unsafe.
In order to make the necessary corrections, we are going to have to roll up our proverbial sleeves and start telling the truth about our concerns and fears before their results hit us over the head, revealing our disempowering beliefs. While we are misidentified, believing we actually are the stories we have incarnated to learn from; that we actually are all the negative things we have done not knowing who we truly are, we are mummified with guilt. And, guilt always produces fear. It is time for us to realize and accept that we were learning, in a perfect way, the clean-up game. That is, make a mess, assess how it feels to be messy; make loving choices, assess how that feels and choose between the two.
We are no longer becoming. We must now accept that our learning phase is complete, we truly are the accomplished. It is time for us to graduate and become the instruments we were created to be . . . masters walking the earth-plane, clear about who we are. . . Guiding-Lights, exemplifying the power and glory of God while demonstrating the magnificence of living 'hapi,' joy-filled lives.
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